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Can a Landlord stop a Tenant from smoking or growing marijuana in their apartment?

David Ghavitian

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

tenant growing marijuana in their apartment

Understanding Landlord-Tenant Regulations

With the use of recreational marijuana set to become legal Canada wide on October 17th 2018 and thereby allowing those aged 19+ to grow up to four pot plants in their homes and possess up to 30 grams of marijuana, its know wonder that landlords are looking to see how that affects the quality of tenant as well as their rights to the peaceful enjoyment of the premises.

While Quebec’s new cannabis act is considered among the strictest in the country. It gives landlords the right to change signed leases to ban tenants from smoking marijuana. Once marijuana becomes legal, landlords will have 90 days to make the change — and it will not apply to medical cannabis.

To find out further how you can protect your real investment, do not hesitate to call our property lawyer in Montreal at 514-882-2920 or send us an email to schedule a quick consultation.

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